Exciting and timeless design.

With its 3D parametric grille and surfaces that exude elegance, the new TUCSON is aimed at adventurers who love futuristic design.
What makes the new TUCSON stand out is the adoption of a new and daring design language, Sensuous Sportiness, which was created with the most modern digital design tools. 

Exciting and timeless design.

The new TUCSON is ready to set a new record.

Based on innovative design and class-leading values,
the new TUCSON sets the benchmark for SUVs and is poised to set new sales records.

The new TUCSON is ready to set a new record.

Reason to believe.

It is the most competitive in its class with sporty SUV styling, interior space on par with mid-size vehicles, and new advanced safety and convenience specifications. 

Reason to believe.

Listë çmimesh, karakteristika teknike, broshurë

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